February 6th, 2018 - Brian Maguire

Progressive muscle relaxation is a technique used to identify and control any muscle tension in the body. The objective is to systematically tense and then relax different muscles in the body. With enough practice, progressive muscle relaxation swiftly alerts you to be more conscious of muscle changes, like when muscular tension arises as an early sign of stress. As the tension is released from the tissues, the mind can now follow suit. Deep breathing can be added for additional stress relief. Progressive muscle relaxation can be used to quickly de-stress whenever needed, for any duration. If you are pressed for time, working some of the muscles is far better than none at all.


  • Decreases anxiety and phobias.
  • Improves concentration and internal self-perception.
  • Unleashes muscle tension and lowers stress levels.
  • Provides a sense of control, stabilizing the mind.
  • Widens restricted respiratory passages, helping relieve respiratory stress.
  • Reduces or eliminates pains in the body.
  • Slows heart and breathing rates, regulates blood flow, lowers high blood pressure.
  • Assists the body in regulating glucose levels.
  • Helps to build natural antibodies, strengthening and modulating the immune system.
  • Helps balance pH levels and control inflammation, as available oxygen saturates the bodies tissues!

Progressive Muscle Relaxation Practice:

  • Position yourself in a relaxed state, get comfortable, and breathe slowly in through the nose.
  • When ready, focus on your right foot and pay attention to any sensations in it. Slowly tense the muscles in your right foot, squeezing as hard as possible.
  • Hold for 10 seconds. Then, relax your right foot. Be mindful of the tension flowing away and how your foot feels as it becomes loose.
  • Stay relaxed and continue breathing.
  • Then shift your attention to the other foot and follow the same sequence of muscle tension and release.
  • Or start by breathing in slowly as you tense all the muscles in your face while shutting your eyes as tightly as you can. Now clench your teeth, ears, neck, and shoulders. Hold this for a count of eight to ten.
  • Now exhale and let your face go completely lax. Feel the tension being released from the muscles in your face, shoulders, and neck as though you were falling asleep and really enjoy how it feels.
  • After you have progressively worked all your muscles, take a few deep breaths  and resume your activities.